Sunday, October 11, 2009

Poruthal erapinai enrum adhanai marathal adhaninum nandru.

152 - Poruthal erapinai enrum adhanai marathal adhaninum nandru.

Translation – To bear an insult is good. But better is to forget it.

Such simple words but so much of depth

I just want to recollect an incident last week. I had sought a small but a very legitimate exemption from an unwritten recommended practice in my office with the approval of my superior. The admin had blown it out of proportion. I was so irritated at that step and that moment, I felt so hurt. I was extremely frustrated with the bureaucracy and rigidity. While I cancelled my request myself, it was fierily burning in my mind.

The next day when I met the admin incharge round the corridor, I could not smile at him. I exchanged courtesies were pretty cold. I still feel heavy in heart to talk to him. But thinking of it, now, isn’t it a sustaining relationship. There are going to be transactions beyond this. If I develop an inhibition to talk to him, how will I ever get into any dealing with him.

The first part of the statement – to bear the insult, I did succeed. Even though my superior offered to stand by my side and justify the need, I dropped it and decided to bear the insult silently. But the second part is so tough. But unless I can accomplish the second part, I think, I would have cut chords with a required network in my professional life. It is so important to forget. I still have not forgotten, for If I had, I wouldn’t be writing this, but what is intended to rub the scar which I am consciously attempting now.

Whether Professional or Personal Life, the statement of such a high relevance. But so very difficult to execute.